I just got an overwhelming new to ASP.NET Application developers. Microsoft is coming up with a new flavour of IIS 7.5, ScottGu  microsoft vice president in product development has announced this in his blog. The tool is not out yet download for us. Soon it will come to us, a glad news for Microsoft Technology Enthusiasts.

According to Scott Guthrie (ScottGu)

IIS Express – The Best of Both Options

We have been working on a new flavor of IIS 7.x that is optimized for developer scenarios that we are calling “IIS Express”. We think it combines the ease of use of the ASP.NET Web Server with the full power of IIS.  Specifically:

  • It’s lightweight and easy to install (less than 10Mb download and a super quick install)
  • It does not require an administrator account to run/debug applications from Visual Studio
  • It enables a full web-server feature set – including SSL, URL Rewrite, Media Support, and all other IIS 7.x modules
  • It supports and enables the same extensibility model and web.config file settings that IIS 7.x support
  • It can be installed side-by-side with the full IIS web server as well as the ASP.NET Development Server (they do not conflict at all)
  • It works on Windows XP and higher operating systems – giving you a full IIS 7.x developer feature-set on all OS platforms

IIS Express (like the ASP.NET Development Server) can be quickly launched to run a site from a directory on disk.  It does not require any registration/configuration steps. This makes it really easy to launch and run for development scenarios.

Read More from the Introducing IIS Express Blog

Thanks Microsoft. This is one of the things we are expecting while working on Windows XP platform, IIS Express 7.x, will help us in develop applications against IIS 7.x while sitting in Windows XP/2k3 or Vista.

Coolest tool ever could be..

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By Nithin Mohan TK

Technology Enthusiast | .NET Specialist | Blogger | Gadget & Hardware Geek

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