I think lots of people in Information technology field are not aware of Microsoft MVP, most of them believes it’s just another Microsoft Certification, so people started asking how to get MVP?. Recently i came across a blog by a Microsoft MVP – Vjiay’s Blog  on “How to become a Microsoft MVP – Most Valuable Professional?

Quoting from  Vijay | MS-MVP | msigeek.com blog

‘How do I become an MVP?‘ is one question which keeps ringing in most of our minds. Quite a few of you had also sent me an email asking the same. Well, I must agree that the awareness of the MVP program is less among the tech folks. Let me start explaning.. The thoughts which are mentioned in this article are just my understandings about the program, being an MVP for a couple of years!

First of all, Most Valuable Professional (MVP) is not a certification., Its an Award! – Its a mode of recognition which Microsoft gives for individuals who are technology experts and most importantly, who play a role and are keen in sharing their expertise with the Community. So if your question is, “I have completed my MCTS or MCAD.. what are the next steps towards being a MVP?” – You must re-think on your question.!

Read the original content here www.msigeek.com a Website by Vijay – MVP in (Setup & Deployment)

About the Author: Vijay is a passionate Technology Evangelist and a Microsoft MVP in Application Setup / Deployment.

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By Nithin Mohan TK

Technology Enthusiast | .NET Specialist | Blogger | Gadget & Hardware Geek

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