Category: Windows Phone 7.5

Windows Phone Toolkit–June 2013–Release – v4.2013.06.11

Windows Phone team has released the latest update(v 4.2013.06.11) for Windows Phone Toolkit available through NuGet. Get it as an NuGet package: Find what’s new in Release Notes:

Coding4Fun Toolkit v2.0.3 for Windows Phone and Windows 8 apps

Coding4Fun team has released a new updates for their Windows Phone and Windows 8 controls. There are some interesting controls available for free through Coding4Fun team are major contributors…

Multilingual App Toolkit for Visual Studio 2012–for Windows Phone and Windows 8 apps

Multilingual App toolkit for Visual Studio 2012 helps the windows Phone and Windows store app developers to integrate Multi lingual/localization capability in your applications. This extension for Visual Studio 2012…

Windows Phone 8–Application Model & Fast Application Resume feature

Windows Phone 8 has a new feature introduced called as ‘Fast Application Resume’, which allows the Windows Phone 8 OS to launch the application from suspended to running quickly. You…

Windows 8 Client Hyper-V and Windows Phone 7.x emulator slowdown

Hyper-V is a great platform for virtualization and luckily Windows 8 have inbuilt/integrated support for hyper-v technologies. Windows Phone 8 SDK uses hyper-v for emulator virtualization and it works pretty…

Setting up Windows Phone SDK update for Windows Phone 7.8 and working with Visual Studio 2010/2012

Microsoft has just released an update for Windows Phone SDK 7.1 and 8.0 to provide support for Windows Phone 7.8 emulators.I have shared the details in my last blog post.…