Category: Windows

Windows is a 1980 thriller starring Talia Shire, Joseph Cortese and Elizabeth Ashley, directed by Gordon Willis.
Emily Hollander (Shire) is the subject of a lesbian obsession at the hands of Andrea Glassen (Ashley), her next-door neighbor. As Emily begins dating detective Bob Luffrono (Cortese), Andrea overflows with jealousy, spying on Hollander through her own window.
The film was the subject of many protests from gay rights activists who accused the film of being homophobic and resorting to hateful stereotypes of lesbians.

Azure Cosmos DB – TTL (Time to Live) – Reference Usecase

TTL capability within Azure Cosmos DB is a live saver, as it would take necessary steps to purge redudent data based on the configurations you may. Let us think in…

Introduction to NDepend : Static Code Analysis Tool

As a developer, you always have to take the pain of getting adapted to the best practices and coding guidelines to be followed as per the organizational or industrial standards.…