Category: VS2012

Visual Studio 2012 Update 3–Released

Microsoft has released the final of Visual Studio 2012 Update 3. This update is the latest in a cumulative series of feature additions and bug fixes for Visual Studio 2012.…

Windows Phone Toolkit–June 2013–Release – v4.2013.06.11

Windows Phone team has released the latest update(v 4.2013.06.11) for Windows Phone Toolkit available through NuGet. Get it as an NuGet package: Find what’s new in Release Notes:

Windows Azure SDK for .NET–Version 2.0 (for Visual Studio 2010 SP1/2012)

Latest version of Windows Azure SDK for .NET – Version 2.0 released by Microsoft. DOWNLOAD: Windows Azure SDK for .NET 2.0 (Offline Installer) Recommended: Instead of manually downloading the files…