Category: Updates

Getting Started local development with Azure Cosmos DB services – Part 2

In my previous article we discussed about setting local development environment using Cosmos DB Emulator for Windows. With this part 2 of the article, we will cover developing, debugging and…

.NET Core 1.0.1 Update (September 2016) Available

Microsoft .NET Core team has released an update to .NET Core 1.0, versioned as “.NET Core 1.0.1”. Read more detailed updates from Microsoft Developer Announcement Blog: Announcing September 2016 Updates…

Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 – Download

Today Microsoft has released Update 3 for Visual Studio 2015. Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 includes a variety of capability improvements and bug fixes. To find out what’s new, see…

Visual Studio 2015 RC–Download

During #Build2015 event Microsoft has unveiled Visual Studio 2015 RC (Release Candidate) with lots of improvements and fixes to CTP version of Visual Studio. RC would be a near release…

Visual Studio 2015 – ctp6

Microsoft today has released Visual Studio 2015 Community Technology Preview 6 (CTP 6), which includes some new features and improvements, such as new UI debugging tools for XAML, new Control…