Category: .NET Framework 4.5

Getting Started to become MCSD–Web Application Solutions Developer

In this article I will introduce you to the necessary requirements for preparing and earning MCSD – Web Apps Solutions Developer certification. In my previous article Permanent Link to Getting…

Getting Started to become an MCSD in Windows Store Apps

Last few years Microsoft Developer Certification Exams progressed forward through two certification tracks or titles MCTS(Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist) and MCPD(Microsoft Certified Professional Developer). Earlier Microsoft certification titles been called…

Coding4Fun Toolkit v2.0.3 for Windows Phone and Windows 8 apps

Coding4Fun team has released a new updates for their Windows Phone and Windows 8 controls. There are some interesting controls available for free through Coding4Fun team are major contributors…

Introduction to The One ASP.NET Platform/Ecosystem

Introduction ASP.NET has travelled a long way through evolutions. Earlier when ASP.NET 1.0 was released as part of .NET Framework 1.0 in Jan 2002, there was only ASP.NET – a…