Category: Windows Phone Development

Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 – Download

Today Microsoft has released Update 3 for Visual Studio 2015. Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 includes a variety of capability improvements and bug fixes. To find out what’s new, see…

Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova in Visual Studio 2015 RC

Microsoft has announced that with Visual Studio 2015 – Apache Cordova tools will be integrated within the main install bundle. Using Apache Cordova Tools for Visual Studio you will be…

Visual Studio 2013 – Update 2 is available

Microsoft has released the latest update for Visual Studio 2013 with major improvements including support for developing Universal apps for Windows 8.x, Win Phone, and XBOX. Here are the list…

Sending Mobile Push notification using C#/.NET (iOS, Android, Windows Phone 8, Windows 8 and Blackberry)

This is an update blog to my earlier blog about Sending Apple iOS Push notifications using C#. With that blog – I introduced you to how to send push notification…