Category: Windows Azure Development

Getting Started local development with Azure Cosmos DB services – Part 2

In my previous article we discussed about setting local development environment using Cosmos DB Emulator for Windows. With this part 2 of the article, we will cover developing, debugging and…

Getting Started local development with Azure Cosmos DB services – Part 1

Azure Cosmos DB is a multi-API, multi-model highly scalable NoSQL database services from Microsoft Azure platform. In order to develop an application consuming Azure Cosmos DB requires an azure live…

Azure SDK for .NET 3.0 available for Visual Studio 2015/2017

Windows Azure SDK for .NET, which include SDKs, basic tools, and extended tools for Visual Studio development for Azure Cloud enabled applications. Microsoft has released latest Azure SDK for .NET…

Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 – Download

Today Microsoft has released Update 3 for Visual Studio 2015. Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 includes a variety of capability improvements and bug fixes. To find out what’s new, see…