Category: KnowledgeBase

Introduction to Data Science

We all have been hearing the term Data Science and Data Scientist occupation become more popular these days. I thought of sharing some light into this specific area of science,…

Getting Started local development with Azure Cosmos DB services – Part 2

In my previous article we discussed about setting local development environment using Cosmos DB Emulator for Windows. With this part 2 of the article, we will cover developing, debugging and…

Getting Started local development with Azure Cosmos DB services – Part 1

Azure Cosmos DB is a multi-API, multi-model highly scalable NoSQL database services from Microsoft Azure platform. In order to develop an application consuming Azure Cosmos DB requires an azure live…

Visual Studio 2017 Install error– 0x80131500 – Failed to Deserialize packages

I was frustrated by this error when I am trying to reinstall Visual Studio 2017 after my visual studio got corrupted/failed during upgrade to 15.1 ( or after a previous…