Category: Realtime Analytics

Generative AI in Healthcare: Revolutionizing Patient Care

As an innovator in the field of healthcare, I am excited to explore how Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) is reshaping patient care. The impact of AI in healthcare is profound,…

Azure Cosmos DB – TTL (Time to Live) – Reference Usecase

TTL capability within Azure Cosmos DB is a live saver, as it would take necessary steps to purge redudent data based on the configurations you may. Let us think in…

Big Data & Front End Development track in the Microsoft Professional Program

Earlier I introduced you the Microsoft Professional Program for Data Science. Right after few days Microsoft announced the BETA availability of two more tracks Big Data and Front End Development.…

Introduction to Data Science

We all have been hearing the term Data Science and Data Scientist occupation become more popular these days. I thought of sharing some light into this specific area of science,…

Microsoft Azure IoT Suite–Provisioned solutions for Faster Time to Market IoT enabled solutions

Microsoft Azure IoT Suite Provisioned solutions will help you create your own fully integrated solutions tailored for your specific needs in the following 3 sections. Using these ready to consume…