Category: Web

Introduction to The One ASP.NET Platform/Ecosystem

Introduction ASP.NET has travelled a long way through evolutions. Earlier when ASP.NET 1.0 was released as part of .NET Framework 1.0 in Jan 2002, there was only ASP.NET – a…

HTML5 – Bye Bye ‘WebSQL’/’SQLite’ – Welcome ‘IndexedDB’

Since November 18, 2010, the W3C announced that Web SQL database(Sqlite) is a deprecated specification. This is a recommendation for web developers to no longer use the technology as effectively,…

Free HTML5 Certification and Training Offer from Microsoft–Prove your HTML5 Programming Skills for free

Microsoft few month back launched a free HTML5 Certification program for exam – 070-480 – Programming in HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. To prepare for this exam you have set of…