Category: JavaScript

JavaScript is a prototype-based scripting language that is dynamic, weakly typed and has first-class functions. It is a multi-paradigm language, supporting object-oriented, imperative, and functional programming styles.
JavaScript was formalized in the ECMAScript language standard and is primarily used in the form of client-side JavaScript, implemented as part of a Web browser in order to provide enhanced user interfaces and dynamic websites. This enables programmatic access to computational objects within a host environment.
JavaScript’s use in applications outside Web pages — for example in PDF documents, site-specific browsers, and desktop widgets — is also significant. Newer and faster JavaScript VMs and frameworks built upon them (notably Node.js) have also increased the popularity of JavaScript for server-side web applications.
JavaScript uses syntax influenced by that of C. JavaScript copies many names and naming conventions from Java, but the two languages are otherwise…

Getting Started to become an MCSD in Windows Store Apps

Last few years Microsoft Developer Certification Exams progressed forward through two certification tracks or titles MCTS(Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist) and MCPD(Microsoft Certified Professional Developer). Earlier Microsoft certification titles been called…

Introduction to The One ASP.NET Platform/Ecosystem

Introduction ASP.NET has travelled a long way through evolutions. Earlier when ASP.NET 1.0 was released as part of .NET Framework 1.0 in Jan 2002, there was only ASP.NET – a…

HTML5 – Bye Bye ‘WebSQL’/’SQLite’ – Welcome ‘IndexedDB’

Since November 18, 2010, the W3C announced that Web SQL database(Sqlite) is a deprecated specification. This is a recommendation for web developers to no longer use the technology as effectively,…