Category: Help Articles

Introduction to NDepend : Static Code Analysis Tool

As a developer, you always have to take the pain of getting adapted to the best practices and coding guidelines to be followed as per the organizational or industrial standards.…

Learn using the Windows Phone 8 Jump Start Training content–for Online or Offline view–Courtesy Channel9

On November 28-29th 2012, Microsoft has hosted the Windows Phone 8 Jump Start training, a fast-paced and demo-packed learning ‘experience’ tailored to show developers how to build responsive, appealing, and…

Zip(Archive) API’s in .NET Framework 4.5 – Part 2 – ZipFile Class

In my previous post I shared some information on API’s/Classes included as part of System.IO.Compression namespace in .NET Framework 4.5, and given on overview of ZipArchive class. Once such class…