Windows Azure and WCF Azure Code Samples
I came across the microsoft code samples on Windows Azure and WCF Azure application development using Visual Studio. I thought this would be useful to others and posting here. Windows…
Cloud Distilled ~ Nithin Mohan
Everywhere, intelligence with cloud computing
I came across the microsoft code samples on Windows Azure and WCF Azure application development using Visual Studio. I thought this would be useful to others and posting here. Windows…
Lot of friends of mine has asked me a question. What is the difference between a Platform and a Framework?. Some are merely confused on the different naming conventions uses…
Microsoft has announced the Tech-Ed india 2010, which will be commencing on April 12 – 14th 2010 in Banglore. And major attraction of this event would be Microsoft is releasing…
I recently came across a nice article by Dion Hinchcliffe’s blog at ZDNet It is overwhelming to read and see what are the on going trends in Enterprise 2.0. Well now,…
There was a bug which brocken the intellisense in Visual Studio 2010 RC, earlier about a week back ScottGu has notified this bug in his blog, through different Testers and…
There were many questions around the web, how can we directly upgrade the ASP.NET MVC 1.0 application to ASP.NET MVC 2.0. I have found on Phil Haack’s post that VS…