C# 8.0 New Feature–Interface Default Implementation for Methods
With upcoming C# 8.0, there is an interesting feature called default implementation body for methods within an interface definition. That…
Cloud Distilled ~ Nithin Mohan
Everywhere, intelligence with cloud computing
With upcoming C# 8.0, there is an interesting feature called default implementation body for methods within an interface definition. That…
Microsoft has announced the availability of first release candidate (RC) of Azure DevOps Server 2019. The Azure DevOps Server(previously TFS/Team…
Microsoft has today released Visual Studio 2017 – Update 15.9.0 with lots of bug fixed and improvements to the IDE…
We have got the opportunity to host Global Office 365 Developer Bootcamp in Letterkenny as part of Letterkenny DotNet Azure…
TTL capability within Azure Cosmos DB is a live saver, as it would take necessary steps to purge redudent data…
During the Ignite 2018, Microsoft has announced the general availability of Multi-Master feature being introduced to Azure Cosmos DB to…