A Tricky Interview Qn – VB.NET DLL & C# Application Interoperability
Recently I have been asked about a question in 2 interviews. There is a VB.NET Library which has a class…
Cloud Distilled ~ Nithin Mohan
Everywhere, intelligence with cloud computing
Recently I have been asked about a question in 2 interviews. There is a VB.NET Library which has a class…
I know when we moved from Visual Studio 2005 to Visual Studio 2008, so of you might have noticed we…
In recent few interviews there was a scenario that interviewer asked me to remove duplicate records from SQL Server table.…
It’s a quick article. In a technial interview, panel has asked me about the static constructors and how and when static…
In my interview on a IT Services & Consulting Company, the interviewer has asked about the following situation of inheritence.…
Today i have attened an IT Services Company interview, where i was been asked to write the code for Reverse…