MVP Special for You : Windows 7/Vista GodMode Creator
If you have been following my previous blogs and other tech blogs and tech news websites then you might have heard about so called God Mode trick of Windows 7…
Edit AutoPlay Features in Windows 7
Both the AutoPlay and AutoRun features, available since Windows XP, are vulnerable areas commonly exploited as a spreading mechanism by some malware to target unprotected computers. The AutoRun function allows…
Windows Updates Offline with WSUS Offline Update
Microsoft Windows Update is intelligent service integrated with every Windows Operating System . Windows Update based on your Windows 7 activation status lets you to download updates, patches and automatically…
Agile Software Development Methodologies
“What is Agile Software Development?” There are lots of defenitions available about Agile Software Development, but i think i should better explain this with a simple defenition. An iterative and…
26-Gigapixel Photo makes a New World Record…
A new, 26-gigapixel panoramic image of Dresden, Germany, is now the world’s largest-resolution photograph. Taken from the rooftop of the “Haus der Presse” building, the giant panorama is made up…
Interesting Windows 7 Commercials
Interesting Windows 7 Commercials It’s been more than a year i am using Windows 7, from pre-beta to RTM, still rocks my heart. I am happy that microsoft has leveraged…