Few months back all of a sudden I came across an Idea, there is no mobile banking reference application in Windows Phone market place. So I thought of putting it together and my idea came alive in one day of work and I published to the marketplace.

“Easy Banking IN” was well received by users and users were happy that they are getting an app that would help them in their mobile internet banking needs. Time to time I made so much of improvements as per user feedback.


Marketplace link: http://www.windowsphone.com/en-in/store/app/easy-banking-in/6d36eef8-e022-4264-8b3b-bc7978e37999

Till now Easy Banking IN:

1. Was top 5-6th free App in “Banking and Personal Finance Section”

2. More than 24,000 downloads since Sept 2012

3. User reviews were averaged at 4.0/5.0  and 100+ reviews

All of a sudden few weeks back it has been removed from Windows Phone store. I have received a disappointing note from Microsoft.

From: Windows Phone Marketplace Report App
Sent: 21-05-2013 02:21
To: nithinmohantk@hotmail.com
Subject: NOTIFICATION: Windows Phone Application(s) Removed – Easy Banking IN

Dear Developer,

The application(s) listed below have been removed from the Windows Phone Store because your application(s) are not affiliated with the original banking institution and it was determined that the application(s) posed a security risk to Windows Phone users in violation of the Application Requirements for Windows Phone Store. You will not be able to republish the application(s) listed below.

Application(s) Removed

Easy Banking IN

Windows Phone Store Team

Reason “Windows Phone Team” mentioned was they feel the application is dangerous and I have no affiliation from any of the banks – hence “Easy Banking IN” is prohibited from Windows Phone store. 

  • For building a mobile banking sites database – why would somebody needs an affiliation from Banks?
  • In this internet and smart phone age you will lot other application – similar to application which only helps the user in their daily mobile banking needs.
  • I tried to explain the Windows Phone Legal team that,  it is only a mobile internet banking sites reference application. Why do you consider it as a threat? No answer to that.
  • Windows Phone Team says – any application listed under ‘Banking and Finance Category’ requires an affiliation from bank. Crazy policy right – they are just beating around the bush. If you look at iOS and Android application store – you will see similar application been listed with out any issues.
  • Again this legal and affiliation is a biased one only for “Easy Banking IN” and I could see lot other 3rd party applications listed in Windows Phone store without any affiliation. 

Final is I decided to scrap my application, due to the fact that Microsoft’s careless legal team is not ready to accept – the points I tried to explain.  No use at all, I can’t fight with them. Seems some one has reported to Microsoft legal that this application is dangerous and legal team has blindly believed it.

Sincere thanks to all the users of “Easy Banking IN”, and really sorry for disappointing you all by scrapping the “Easy Banking IN” project.   Thank you Microsoft team for the great  Inspiration.

These are the communication I received from Windows Phone app team:

and the final reply:

Hello Nithin,

Once again, the reason for removal of the app is because it is a banking related app that is not affiliated with a banking institution.  This means the only scenario that this app would be permitted is if you have an affiliation with a bank.  You are of course permitted to create and submit other non-banking related apps.

Thank you,

Windows Phone Store Team

From: Windows Phone Marketplace Report App [mailto:reportap@microsoft.com]
Sent: 23 May 2013 10:07 PM
To: Nithin Mohan T K
Subject: RE: NOTIFICATION: Windows Phone Application(s) Removed – Easy Banking IN

Hello Nithin,

We have previously described the reason why your application was removed from the Windows Phone Store.  Non-affiliated banking related applications are prohibited.  This policy is applied to every app on the Store, and any information, documentation, or affiliation related to other apps and developers is strictly confidential.  We do not share private information regarding developer accounts, thus you would not see this information posted publicly.  The APA you signed when you created your developer account cites, among other things: “Microsoft reserves the right to remove any Application or In-App Product from availability on the Windows Phone Store for any reason…”  Your application was removed strictly because it was prohibited by Store policy.

Thank you,

Windows Phone Store Team


From: Windows Phone Marketplace Report App [mailto:reportap@microsoft.com]
Sent: 22 May 2013 01:21 AM
To: nithinmohantk@hotmail.com; Windows Phone Marketplace Report App
Subject: RE: NOTIFICATION: Windows Phone Application(s) Removed – Easy Banking IN

Hello Nithin,

We’ve recently updated our policy regarding banking applications and other applications that process and/or handle in-app payments.  This policy applies to every application on the Windows Phone Store, and is not targeted specifically towards you as a developer or your application.  Banking related applications are required to provide verifiable documentation that they are affiliated with a banking institution.  Unless you can provide us with an affiliated status, “Easy Banking IN” is prohibited on the Windows Phone Store.

Thank you,

Windows Phone Store Team

From: Windows Phone Marketplace Report App [mailto:reportap@microsoft.com]
Sent: 21 May 2013 08:29 PM
To: Nithin Mohan T K
Subject: RE: NOTIFICATION: Windows Phone Application(s) Removed – Easy Banking IN

Hello Nithin,

Microsoft removed “Easy Banking IN” from the Windows Phone Store because your application is not affiliated with the original banking institution. Your application can be republished if you can provide proof of approval from the banking institution.

Thank you,

Windows Phone Store Team

From: Nithin Mohan T K [mailto:nithinmohantk@hotmail.com]
Sent: Monday, May 20, 2013 6:50 PM
To: Windows Phone Marketplace Report App
Subject: RE: NOTIFICATION: Windows Phone Application(s) Removed – Easy Banking IN

Dear Microsoft,
It is absolutely unnecessary and without specific reason you have removed this application. Application has never violated any security aspects of Windows phone. It had a very good user feedback and a user base. If required I can provide full source code to review.
Kindly please do not do this to my app which is having a good user base. It doesn’t posses any threat to security. Users has been given option to open in built in browser control or in browser itself. It neither injects any scripts.
Based on what factors you have removed app without any discussion with me.
Please respond ASAP…
Thanks & Regards
Niithin Mohan

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By Nithin Mohan TK

Technology Enthusiast | .NET Specialist | Blogger | Gadget & Hardware Geek

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