I recently came across a nice article by Dion Hinchcliffe’s blog at ZDNet

It is overwhelming to read and see what are the on going trends in Enterprise  2.0.

Well now, Every will start asking what is Enterprise 2.0.  Here is a small defenition from Wikipedia.

Enterprise social software (also known as or regarded as a major component of Enterprise 2.0), comprises social software as used in “enterprise” (business/commercial) contexts. It includes social and networked modifications to corporate intranets and other classic software platforms used by large companies to organize their communication. In contrast to traditional enterprise software, which imposes structure prior to use, enterprise social software tends to encourage use prior to providing structure.

2010 is a biggest hit on Enterprise 2.0 computing.  I would  expect to see a new wave of unified communication products that include Enterprise 2.0, in this year or coming year. I am sure this year end going to make a lot of changes to the world of technology as well as the people who lives with it.

I would like to point out few points from Dion Hinchcliffe’s Blog….

Two significant and closely related trends in enterprise computing this year are the growth of Software-as-a-service (SaaS) and social computing.

The potential overall impact of enterprise social computing (aka Enterprise 2.0) is significant for most organizations, at least in the medium term. The business functions that are likely to be affected and transformed by these new social business models (and its associated delivery model, SaaS) includes general purpose communication and collaboration, product development, customer relationship management, marketing, operations, and business productivity solutions.

Here is a small diagram given by Dion Hinchcliffe in the blog.

I think you all should take some time and read this article Posted by Dion Hinchcliffe

and you could spend some time googling out for Enterprise 2.0, will defenitly bring advantage to your knowledgebase.

Remember Knowledge is wealth. And when you Possess it, you will gain more place in this world, than money…

Here is one good presentation…

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By Nithin Mohan TK

Technology Enthusiast | .NET Specialist | Blogger | Gadget & Hardware Geek

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