MVC Turbine is a plugin for ASP.NET MVC that has IoC baked in and auto-wires controllers, binders, view engines, http modules, etc. that reside within your application. Thus you worry more about what your application should do, rather than how it should do it.


  • Visual Studio 2008 Solution Templates for IoCs
    • Ninject
    • Castle Windsor
    • StructureMap
    • Unity
  • New runtime framework that allows extensibility
    • Blades (components) that are auto-registered and loaded at runtime.
    • Introduced the Core Blades to setup the basic runtime of an MVC application:
      • MvcBlade — wiring for MVC related components (Controllers, View Engines, etc).
      • WebBlade — wiring for System.Web components (IHttpModule, etc.).
      • RoutingBlade — wiring for the IRouteConfigurator implementation.
    • RotorContext that works with the Blades to setup the runtime.
  • Auto-registration of View Engines (VE)
  • Auto-registratrion of MVC Filters to support constructor injection.
    • Added new InjectableFilter attribute to associate a filter to an action.
    • Added support for IActionFilter, IAuthorizationFilter, IErrorFilter and IResultFilter
  • Added new IFilterableModelBinder interface, that inherits from IModelBinder and provides the SupportModelType method to see if the ViewModel type is supported by the custom IModelBinder.
  • InferredViewResult handles inferred actions and reports HTTP 404 for missing actions.
  • Works with ASP.NET MVC in Mono

 To download and try and documentation visit  MVC Turbine on Code Plex

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By Nithin Mohan TK

Technology Enthusiast | .NET Specialist | Blogger | Gadget & Hardware Geek

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