Purpose of this article is to help you with few steps of commands to provision a new Azure Cosmos DB database instance through Azure CLI or Azure Cloud Shell.

Here is the snippet:

   This Bash script should help you create a Azure Cosmos DB instance using Azure CLI with bare minimal configuration 

export ACCOUNT_NAME="thingx-retail-store-db"
export DB_RESOURCE_GROUP="thingx-dev"
export DB_LOCATION="southcentralus"
export DB_NAME="Products" 
export DB_THROUGHPUT=1000  ## bare minimal for 500 read and 100 write configuration for a 1KB document.
export DB_COLLECTION_NAME="Groceries"

##Optional: If resource group does not exist create a new one 
az group create --name $DB_RESOURCE_GROUP --location $DB_LOCATION

##1.0 Create the Azure Cosmos DB Account 
az cosmosdb create --name $ACCOUNT_NAME --kind GlobalDocumentDB --resource-group $DB_RESOURCE_GROUP

##2.0 Create Products database in the account  
az cosmosdb database create --name $ACCOUNT_NAME --db-name $DB_NAME --resource-group $DB_RESOURCE_GROUP

##3.0 Create Groceries collection in Products database
az cosmosdb collection create --collection-name $DB_COLLECTION_NAME --partition-key-path "/productId" --throughput $DB_THROUGHPUT --name $ACCOUNT_NAME --db-name $DB_NAME --resource-group $DB_RESOURCE_GROUP


For the ease of this article I used Azure Cloud Shell, that you can launch from your azure portal by clicking on the Shell icon on the top portal menu.



Now you are ready to execute all the commands listed above in the sample bash script


Create New Azure Cosmos DB Account

 <span data-mce-type="bookmark" style="display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;" class="mce_SELRES_start"></span>
az cosmosdb create --name $ACCOUNT_NAME --kind GlobalDocumentDB --resource-group $DB_RESOURCE_GROUP


Create Products Database in the account

az cosmosdb database create --name $ACCOUNT_NAME --db-name $DB_NAME --resource-group $DB_RESOURCE_GROUP


Create Groceries collection in Products database

az cosmosdb collection create --collection-name $DB_COLLECTION_NAME --partition-key-path "/productId" --throughput $DB_THROUGHPUT --name $ACCOUNT_NAME --db-name $DB_NAME --resource-group $DB_RESOURCE_GROUP


Now if you browse Azure Portal you can see resources created in “thingx-dev” resource group.


Upon browsing with Data Explorer you can see the Groceries collection inside Products DB.


So that’s the few silly easy steps to create Cosmos DB database from Azure CLI or Azure Cloud Shell. Hope that makes it easy for you.

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By Nithin Mohan TK

Technology Enthusiast | .NET Specialist | Blogger | Gadget & Hardware Geek

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