CosmosDB is a planet scale multi model, multi-region NoSQL database service provided as part of Azure Platform. Azure Cosmos DB is designed to provide global distribution for every data model you choose while creating Cosmos DB.  It is promised to provide low latency and various well-defined consistency models to ensure data redundancy and high availability.

In this short diagram I will be covering the different consistency models available with Cosmos DB and their benefits:


There said depending on your data criticality and needs of faster accessibility, you can choose between any of the above consistency models. I strongly trusts in session consistency, as it ensures a balance b/w both.  But again it is totally depending on your business case and how critical is your system depends on the accuracy of this data.

Hope you enjoyed this short article!.

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By Nithin Mohan TK

Technology Enthusiast | .NET Specialist | Blogger | Gadget & Hardware Geek

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