During Microsoft Build 2017(May 10th 2017) conference in Seattle, Scott Guthrie (EVP of Cloud and Enterprise Group) announced two new offerings to the Azure Database Services Platform, Azure Database for MySQL and Azure Database for PostgreSQL.

I was happy that Microsoft is filling the gap for the need of Fully Managed MYSQL and PostgreSQL . I recollect around in April I was trying to migrate this WordPress blog from Godaddy hosting in to  an Azure App Service to provide and since WordPress requires MySQL as the database. The only option left for me in Azure was to have local MySQL(MySQL in App)  in App Service, which cannot scale well or either use Clear DB service (a Microsoft partner in azure). Some how I wasn’t happy with the performance of local MYSQL and Clear DB, due to my bulky blog. So I thought what if there was a Managed MYSQL service just like Managed SQL Azure services.

What is Azure Database for MySQL and PostgreSQL?

Azure Database for MYSQL and PostgreSQL(currently in PREVIEW)  are fully managed Platform as a Service(PaaS) offering from Microsoft Azure, which does not want us to worry about infrastructure and managing the server instance.  Below is the outline of how these services has been stacked up against existing SQL Database offerings. As a customer you do not need to worry about the Compute, Storage, Networking, and high-performance/availability/scalability  of these services ensured by Azure Data Service Platform with built in monitoring.

You easily deploy an Azure Web App with Azure Database for MySQL as the database provider, and to provide complete solutions for common Content Management Systems (CMS) such as WordPress and Drupal.


I will cover more details in later series That’s all for now. Thank you for reading my content. Leave your comments.

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By Nithin Mohan TK

Technology Enthusiast | .NET Specialist | Blogger | Gadget & Hardware Geek

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