Microsoft has released the version 6.0 of their Microsoft Enterprise Library collection. Microsoft Enterprise Library is a collection of reusable components to meet your needs in developing enterprise applications using .NET technologies.

Quoting from Microsoft
Microsoft Enterprise Library is a collection of reusable application blocks designed to assist software developers with common enterprise development challenges. This release includes: Data Access Block, Exception Handling Block, Logging Block, Policy Injection Block, Semantic Logging Block, Transient Fault Handling Block, Validation Block, and Unity.

This major release of Enterprise Library contains many compelling new features and updates that will make developers and IT professionals more productive. Two new application blocks are:

  • Semantic Logging Application Block
  • Transient Fault Handling Application Block (this application block was previously a part of the Enterprise Library Integration Pack for Windows Azure; in this release it has been generalized and updated to the latest technologies)

Other major new features include:

  • New programmatic configuration that doesn’t require a container
  • AsynchronousTraceListenerWrapper for the Logging Application Block, which enables existing listeners to write messages asynchronously
  • JSON formatter for the Logging Application Block.

New Unity Application Block includes many improvements:

  • Registration by convention
  • Support for NetCore (Windows Store apps)
  • Resolving objects of type Lazy<T>
  • The Unity assembly is now Security Transparent
  • Support for ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET Web API

The detailed list of all changes is included in the Release Notes.

DOWNLOAD Microsoft Enterprise Library v6.0 Binaries

This download contains the following packages:

EnterpriseLibrary6-binaries.exe 1.0 MB  DOWNLOAD

EnterpriseLibrary6-source.exe 7.5 MB   DOWNLOAD

Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.ConfigConsoleV6.vsix  726 KB   DOWNLOAD   ( Visual Studio plugin extension)

SemanticLogging-service.exe 1.0 MB   DOWNLOAD

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By Nithin Mohan TK

Technology Enthusiast | .NET Specialist | Blogger | Gadget & Hardware Geek

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