We all are looking for multiple Windows Phone devices to test our applications. Here is the good news, Nokia came up with a solution for all Nokia Developer program members – “Nokia Developer Remote Drive Access(RDA)” program, through which you can remotely allocate and use a Windows Phone devices for testing purposes. Interesting right?.

It is indeed FREE for all Nokia Developer members.

[Image Courtesy: NOKIA]

The Nokia Developer Remote Device Access (RDA) service is available to all Nokia Developer members (if you don’t have an account, you can create an account for free). You can access the service by using their Nokia Developer logins and passwords.

Each user automatically receives a specific amount of device-usage time per day. The current limit is 8 hours/day.

Here is the link to access Remote Device Access(RDA)


For more details and how to use visit the MSDN blog:


By Nithin Mohan TK

Technology Enthusiast | .NET Specialist | Blogger | Gadget & Hardware Geek

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