Coding4Fun team has released a new updates for their Windows Phone and Windows 8 controls. There are some interesting controls available for free through

Coding4Fun team are major contributors to .NET community including Channel9 video series etc. They always brings up innovation in whatever they do, including set of Kinect based tutorials and sample codes available on Channel9 and Codeplex.

Here is the list of controls and converters available with this toolkit set provided to you by Coding4Fun Team.


The new release includes certain enhancements and bug fixes: (details given below)


  • PreventScrollBinding is included, this will prevents pivot / panorama movements on slider, prompts, …
  • Forced old nuget packages onto new system
  • Slider property change
    • Fill property -> Foreground property
    • Step property -> StepFrequency property

Bug Fixes

  • Toast Prompt would fail if you had two toasts active at the same time and swiped one away

You can download and try the latest release bits either through direct download from codeplex or through NuGet package installs.


Coding4Fun.Toolkit (Windows Phone 7).zip

Coding4Fun.Toolkit (Windows Phone 8).zip

Coding4Fun.Toolkit (Windows Store).zip

NuGet installs:


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By Nithin Mohan TK

Technology Enthusiast | .NET Specialist | Blogger | Gadget & Hardware Geek

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