To celebrate the launch of the Lumia 920 and 820 devices, Windows Phone Geek and Nokia are offering awesome prizes for developers in the Lumia Geek 8 Week Challenge.

Developers can win a trip for 2 to MWC in Barcelona, customized Lumias and their very own demo space at MWC in Barcelona.

All developers need to do is submit a new or updated version of their app to the Windows Phone Store.

There are prize categories for overall best app, best use of Lumia technology and for the app that gets the most votes from the Windows Phone Geek community.

This 8 week competition runs from 13th November until the 8th January during which developers can submit their apps on the Windows Phone Geek web site.

Prize Categories

“Ultimate Lumia Geek”

These prizes will be awarded for the best overall apps picked by our judges.

1st prize:

  • Trip for 2 to MWC in Barcelona. Includes: Airfare, Hotel Accommodations, & Event Passes App Demo @ WIPJam @ MWC Customized Nokia Lumia Device & Nokia Gear
  • $300 ad credit on Nokia’s Ad Exchange (NAX)
  • 1 Year Free Subscription to Nokia’s Premium Developer Program (NPDP)

2nd prize:

  • 1 Free Pass for MWC
  • Accommodations @ special “WIP Developer Pad” in Barcelona App Demo @ WIPJam @ MWC Nokia Lumia Device & Gear
  • $200 ad credit on Nokia’s Ad Exchange (NAX)
  • 1 Year Free Subscription to Nokia’s Premium Developer Program (NPDP)

3rd prize:

  • App Demo @ WIPJam @ MWC
  • Nokia Lumia Device & Gear
  • $100 ad credit on Nokia’s Ad Exchange (NAX)
  • 1 Year Free Subscription to Nokia’s Premium Developer Program (NPDP)

“Best Lumia Technology Showcase”

  • This prize will be awarded for the best usage of core Lumia features. (Lumia camera & imaging, NFC, Nokia Maps & Location or Nokia Music APIs) App Demo @ WIPJam @ MWC Customized Nokia Lumia Device & Nokia Gear$200 ad credit on Nokia’s Ad Exchange (NAX)
  • 1 Year Free Subscription to Nokia’s Premium Developer Program (NPDP)

“People’s Choice Awards”

  • Prize for apps with the most votes from the community
  • Nokia Lumia Device & Gear $50 ad credit on Nokia’s Ad Exchange (NAX)
  • 1 Year Free Subscription to Nokia’s Premium Developer Program (NPDP)


Go to the Windows Phone Geek web site to find out more!

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By Nithin Mohan TK

Technology Enthusiast | .NET Specialist | Blogger | Gadget & Hardware Geek

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