The Windows Phone Power Tools are a natural extension to the developer tools that come with the Windows Phone SDK.

  • Instead of allowing you to only install developer xaps the Power Tools let you test update scenarios by allowing you to update an existing developer app.
  • Instead of having to step through the IsolatedStorage file browser on the command line, the Power Tools provide a GUI to allow you to interact with your applications.


Here are some screen shots :

We can connect to a Windows Phone device(after launching Zune)


Or select an Emulator for your choice


Connect to an emulator


Connect to a device through Zune


Browse your application’s Isolated storage.


  1. You can browse only the applications that you have installed through your developer license.
  2. You cannot browse through IsolatedStorage area of applications installed through Windows Phone store.



Download from  Windows Phone Power Tools – page ( it is worth trying)

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By Nithin Mohan TK

Technology Enthusiast | .NET Specialist | Blogger | Gadget & Hardware Geek

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