I am evaluating different cross platform mobile development solutions. This is just a quick introduction to a framework I came across.

What is cross platform mobile applications?

A mobile application developed in such a way that it will work or run on most of the mobile platforms such as Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Blackberry etc.

What is Monocross?

MonoCross is a refinement of the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern for mobile development using .NET, C# and the Mono Framework.

The pattern enables cross-platform portability of business logic and data access code, (Model + Controller), while supporting full, native and/or platform-specific presentation (Views).

Read the MonoCross Roadmap for Platform support.

For more information on using the pattern, see: UsingMonoCross


Source: MonoCross project home http://code.google.com/p/monocross/

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By Nithin Mohan TK

Technology Enthusiast | .NET Specialist | Blogger | Gadget & Hardware Geek

2 thoughts on “Introducing Monocross – A cross-platform MVC pattern for mobile development in .NET/C# and Mono”
  1. I would like to point you to our new site as opposed to the google code site, which will be going away in the near future.


    Thx and happy coding!

  2. Feel free to come and check out mvvmCross too – perhaps more suited to those coming from a wp7/silverlght background to start with!

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