Update 4.0.2 for Microsoft .NET Framework 4 is now available. This update contains some new features that are based on specific requests from some top customer of Microsoft and on some important .NET Framework scenarios. This update also contains some important software updates for ClickOnce and for .NET Framework 4-based Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) applications.

Read more on this Knowledgebase Article #2544514

Features that are introduced by this update

  • AlwaysOn support in SqlClient
  • SQL Server Express Local Database Runtime support in SqlClient

SQL Server Express LocalDB is a new installation and execution mode of SQL Server Express that runs as a stand-alone executable and that requires a minimum amount of effort for installation. When developers connect to database files directly, a transparent SQL Server Express infrastructure runs in the background. For current SQL Server technology, LocalDB offers a Run As Normal User (RANU) user instance in a smaller package.

  • A new DbProviderFactories.GetFactory overload

With this overload, you can use a valid DbConnection object to obtain a DbProviderFactory object.

  Visual Studio 2010 support

     To use any new feature installed by this update, install the following update, and then develop applications in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1 (SP1):

KB 2544525 (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2544525/ ) – Visual Studio 2010 SP1 – Design-time Update for Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0.2

.NET Multi-Targeting Packs

What Are Targeting Packs?

Microsoft provides a set of “Multi-Targeting Packs”, to provide Microsoft Visual Studio and other developer tools with a structured system for targeting .NET platforms. The primary content of these targeting packs is reference assemblies, which describe the APIs supported by a given .NET platform version. Compilers and other tools and services can consume these assemblies to provide a high-fidelity representation of that .NET platform version.

How does Microsoft Visual Studio use Targeting Packs?

Microsoft Visual Studio includes support for a given set of application platform versions, such as .NET Framework 4.0. Many developers will want to develop applications that target other versions of .NET Framework, Silverlight and other platforms. You can download additional targeting packs so that you can create additional applications.

Which Targeting Packs are available for Microsoft Visual Studio?

Targeting packs are available for multiple versions of Microsoft Visual Studio. Select the Microsoft Visual Studio version that you either already have or want to learn more about.

( Taken from MSDN Reference here )

Downloads related to this update

Multi-Targeting Pack for Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0.1 (KB2495638)

Multi-Targeting Pack for Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0.2 (KB2544526) 

Update 4.0.2 for Microsoft .NET Framework 4 – Design-time Update for Visual Studio 2010 SP1 (KB2544525)


Courtesy : Download & Information courtesy – Microsoft Download Center

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By Nithin Mohan TK

Technology Enthusiast | .NET Specialist | Blogger | Gadget & Hardware Geek

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