Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 comes with a nice feature that will allow us to download Productivity extension plugins from Visual Studio Gallery. Visual Studio gallery consist of tools/Project Templates/Controls (Productivity Extensions) that will enhance our application development capability.

You can directly browse and install necessary extensions through “Visual Studio Extension Manager” located right under “Tools” -> “Extension Manager”



When you open Extension Manager you could see different options and Currently installed plugins



Or you could choose “Online” list from left side menu and browse through different extensions available in different category and can choose to install.  Or you can find updates for already existing Extensions.

This is a really nice feature I like in Visual Studio 2010, but most of the developers who are using Visual Studio 2010 are not leveraging ultimate capability of Visual Studio 2010.

Few cool extensions I always use are

NuGet Package Manager

Productivity Power Tools

VS10x Code Map v2

Visual Studio Color Theme Editor 
JScript Editor Extensions

WCF REST Service Template 40(CS)

AnkhSVN – Subversion SCC Provider


Visual Nunit 2010

VS10x Comments Extender

Architecture Layers Patterns

FxCop Integrator

Try it out guys..

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By Nithin Mohan TK

Technology Enthusiast | .NET Specialist | Blogger | Gadget & Hardware Geek

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