Today I have attended Microsoft Community Techdays – Hyderabad an event by Microsoft User Group/Community of Hyderabad(MUGH) – .

It’s a was nice event, which explained about some of the latest trends and advancements in Microsoft Technologies.

The event was started around 9:30-9:45 after registration. There were two Tracks actually, IT PRO and DEVELOPER. I attended the Developer track.

First session was about “jQuery in ASP.NET Web Apps” by Krishna Chaitanya, MVP, blog @ It was really a nice session, he demonstrated the entire presentation using jQuery and HTML, instead of going for a power point presentation. He build the same like interface using HTML and jQuery, and demonstrated the capability of jQuery with ASP.NET. Really a nice informative session.

Second session was about the “Sharepoint 2010 Workflow for Application Developers “ Joy Ratanake, MVP & MCT, he is working with Solid Quality Mentors, Mumbai, blogging on He is basically from Sri Lanka, but working in Hyderabad for some time. He explained about the potential of Sharepoint 2010 in building workflows and demonstrated few nice examples. Great speaker, with lots of knowledge in Sharepoint. In fact I got some time to speak to him for a while. 

There was a quick quiz, on which he will be gifting 4 books to winners. Gladly I made to answer one question and He has gifted me an excellent book “Microsoft Press – Microsoft Visual C# 2010 – Step By Step, by John Sharp” US Edition, costing around $44.99 and indian edition would cost around Rs. 550/- . I am really greatful to him, this book is really what I was looking for and will be defenitly helpful for me in future endeavors.

Third Session was about “Cloud Services with Windows Azure Platform” by Arun Ganesh MVP, this session was also very informative. He demonstrated how we can develop a simple cloud application and get it hosted on the cloud in 15 minutes. Cool one,very informative.

Then we had a Lunch Break, lunch has been provided in the venue itself.

Then post-lunch we had “What’s new in WCF in .Net 4.0 and how WCF is made easy with Windows Server AppFabric” by Phani Kumar, Technical Architect, Instructor and co-founder of BrainScale Consulting. A superb session I should say, excellent speech and very experienced speaker, good demos and explanation of different real time scenarios and how to handle all those, really been a great experience.

After that we were suppose to have a session on “Intel Parallel Studio”, a parallel application development kit for Visual Studio by Intel.

Intel brings simplified, end-to-end parallelism to Microsoft Visual Studio* C/C++ developers with Intel® Parallel Studio. Leveraging more than 25 years of parallel software and high-performance expertise, Intel provides advanced tools to optimize client applications. Create parallel applications for the desktop and compete in a multicore industry.

  • End-to-end product suite for parallelism: Ease implementation at every stage in the development cycle for designing, coding, debugging, and tuning applications
  • Forward scaling: Prepare applications to take advantage of multicore and scale for manycore
  • Visual Studio and Visual C++ compatible: Leverages investment in the latest Visual Studio development environments (except Express editions) with multicore-based competitive edge
  • Ease parallelism onramp: Minimize learning curve and improve productivity to accelerate return on hardware and software investments
  • Support multiple ways to exploit parallelism: Increase flexibility with both data and task parallel programming

Unfortunately speaker couldn’t reach on time. So session was cancelled and our day was ended with a cool demo on Microsoft XBox. Which was an excellent one. But couldn’t write more about it for now, for some technical reasons.

From my experience, I have previously 2,3 times attended Community Tech-days in the past. This is the best way to collaborate and socialise with great people who have lots of experience and knowledge and learn from them directly. Which paves a stable route for our excellence and gaining knowledge.  We are a community, we learn more by contributing to the community and earn respect in what we do. The great way to learn from excellent people, Microsoft is really good in such activities. They knows the real  need of a developer, or a software enthusiast.

I Really thank all Microsoft User Group Hyderabad (MUGH) WWW.MUGH.NET administrators and members for providing us such a nice event. We surely meet again in future, we surely will grow more and fame more, our community rocks. I would definitely be there in future UG meetings.

Microsoft User Group Hyderabad rocks…

Thanks you all. Wish to more such nice quality session in the future again.

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By Nithin Mohan TK

Technology Enthusiast | .NET Specialist | Blogger | Gadget & Hardware Geek

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