Recently I have been working on deputation with a Health Care Company. Where I have to develop solutions for Health Care.

I am totally new to the Health Care domain, and have very little knowledge about the things to be taken care of in this domain. It’s always interesting to learn something new, rather than sticking to the old. So i decided to spend some time in understanding “What is health care domain?“. Even though the company provides the induction in their premises,  I decided to have a basic understanding, “What is IT role in health care? and what kind of information we need to handle here?“, before attending the induction session.

The google my “favourite place” to find anything i do not know,  I typed in “Health Care Domain”, every where little bit of imformation is there. But i was luck enough and i got a slide which briefs me about the “Health Care Domain”.

I am sharing it with you here. Surely it will be really helpful for most of us, the IT Specialists.

Use Case Tutorial – Health Care

I found another slide which explains about the Microsoft Unified Communications Solutions.

Microsoft Unified Communications – Role in Healthcare Service Improvement Whitepaper

A Quick Video on Healthcare Information Systems

Domain Study Healthcare

A Good Reference Link

So it will take some time for me to digest all these things. Any way gradually i will improve my knowledge on Health Care Services.  I will update more whenever i find more information.

That’s all for now. Just thought of sharing to all of you..

Have a nice weekend..

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By Nithin Mohan TK

Technology Enthusiast | .NET Specialist | Blogger | Gadget & Hardware Geek

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