I am trying out the features of newly released Microsoft Web Matrix and IIS Developer Express. I felt it’s cool to have something like this.  I Tried both IIS 7.5 and IIS Developer Express simultaniously working on Windows 7.

I tested it with IIS 5.1 and IIS Developer Express simultaniously working with Windows XP Sp3.

Accidently i located something on my Windows Drive (C: Drive)

I got it,  i got it :-). Isn’t that the SAME OLD CASSINI (Now our ASP.NET INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT SERVER), in a new shiney bottle and a  nice user  interface.

I think Microsoft forgot to change the folder name from CASINI to something else, So that people will not recognize it as CASSINI and Consider it as Lightweight version of IIS 7.5.

Nice Trick 🙂 ..

PS: It’s  just a thought that’s all. Not intended anything bad or harm to Microsoft  on IIS Developer Express development and features. IIS Developer Express and Asp.NET Web Matrix is really cool tools, every developer needs it nowadays…

Apart from that I really loved it. Really Useful one!!!  Thanks Microsoft!!!


I would suggest one more feature if possible. Would that be possible to make the Server instance accessible through the network.

For example: If i host a sample site on http://localhost:5252 in IIS Developer Express, is it possible to make it accessible in my team mates system  like  or by System Name. Only for development and internal testing this would have been great.

Could that be possible to Add up microsoft? Really helpful for us.


It’s not working i think. Would that be a future update?

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By Nithin Mohan TK

Technology Enthusiast | .NET Specialist | Blogger | Gadget & Hardware Geek

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