New .NET Books to My Collection
I have bought few books for reference purpose. It’s true that there is lot of ebooks to download, but i always prefer having my own personal copy in the shelf.…
C# Tricks – Evaluate “1”+2+4 and 2+5+”8″
What does “1”+2+4 evaluate to? Wait! Wait! do not get in to conclusion that’s it’s an aptitude, number series question. It actually a question about the result of this operation,…
Back-2-Basics: Diff Types of Joins in SQL Server
Back to Basics – Series :: Cool links for getting to know about the Different Types of Joins in SQL Server. Have Fun!! Happy Coding!!!
SQL Query for ‘n’ th highest salary of employee table
IGate Recruitment, in written test has asked about to write an sql query for finding ‘n’ th highest salary from empolyee table. Here is a quick solution Query for Creating…
Abstract vs Interface (C#): A Simple Tabular Index
I found that lots of people our there are confused between abstract and interface, including me :-). So i formulated this simple table which list most of the differences between…