I have bought few books for reference purpose. It’s true that there is lot of ebooks to download, but i always prefer having my own personal copy in the shelf.

Reading books is quite interesting when we have a published copy in hand, we can mark what we want with red ink. I do have a habbit of underlining good points in the book. Even if some people might say it’s not a good practise of writing down in side the book, it will break up the beauty of the book. Of course it will if it’s been used by other people also, here i am only going to use it. So i always marks my points inside it.

Coming to books. Do not think it’s novels or stories. It’s actually some tech books i bought now. I do have few novels and stories collection.

So recently i have been to KOTI looking up for some books, just was looking not intended to buy anything.

Suddenly i came across few books i was searching for, i already have ebooks of these. But i thought it would be cool, if have a copy with me. So that i can have an all time reference book.  The books i purchased are.

1. Wrox Beginning ASP.NET Security – Barry Dorrans (ISBN: 978-81-265-2596-6)

      A book explains about all the possible security threats to ASP.NET Applications and covers in details how to avoid it.

2. Wrox Testing ASP.NET Web Applications  – Jeff McWherter and Ben Hall  (ISBN: 978-81-265-2446-4)

      Most of us developers will be unaware of how we can Test the asp.net web applications. This book explains in detail about all the possible testing scenarios you can do on an ASP.NET Web Applications.

3. O’reilly – C# 3.0 Design Patterns – Judith Bishop (ISBN: 978-81-8404-437-9)

This book explains about a collection of elegant, accepted, and proven ways to tackle common programming problems, it’s called DESIGN Patterns. A mush have book for every C# developer.

4. Wrox Professional Enterprise .NET  – Jon Arking & Scott Millett (ISBN: 978-81-265-2405-1)

This book covers about Make your enterprise application code more flexible, testable and extensible. It covers Dependency Injection, Inversion of Control, Test Driven Development, Enterprise Design Patterns,MVP, MVC Patterns, Middle Ware, & Data Access Layers. 

5. Wrox Professional C# 4.0 and .NET 4.0 – Christian Nagel, Bill Evjen, Jay Glynn, Karli Watson & Morgan Skinner (ISBN: 978-81-265-2598-0)

This a Wrox Programmer to Programmer series explains about C# 4.0 and .NET 4.0. Pretty good one for reference.

This book has a very limited copy and within a week i saw all are been sold out. ha ha ha.

6. Manning ASP.NET MVC In Action (1.0)  – (Jeffrey Palermo, Ben Scheirman, Jimmy Bogard & “Phil HAACK”) – (ISBN: 978-81-7722-814-4)

I was actually searching for this book for an year, i found it some where on the corner of the shelf. Was happy to see and glad that i have a copy with me. This the book from which i started learning ASP.NET MVC, explains MVC is pretty details and other extensions for MVC like “MvcContrib”,”NHibernate” and “Ruby On rails” and Mono Rails etc.. cool to have book.

7. Wrox Professional ASP.NET 4.0 in C# & VB – Bill Evjen, Scott Hanselman, Devin Reader – (ISBN-978-81-265-2599-7)

A cool to have  book explains about ASP.NET 4.0 features etc. I should say this would be a pretty good one. Since our Authors are the best in ASP.NET, well known to the internet world with their blogs.

This book has a very limited copy with dealer and within a week i saw all are been sold out. ha ha ha.

8. Wrox WPF Programmers Reference – WPF with C# 2010 and .NET 4.0 – Rod Stephens (ISBN: 978-81-265-2594-2)

A Beginning to Advanced level series book on WPF 4.0.  A must have for all developers.

That’s all for now. I am waiting for a book actually. It’s Wrox-Professional WCF 4.0 and Wrox Professional Silverlight 4.0, apart from that no more buying for an year. I need to cover all these books right, it takes time.

PS: I am having all these book doesn’t mean that i know the IN and AROUND these books and do not think of me as an extra ordinary programmer. I am a simple, .NET programmer like you, still learning, still forgetting things when moving around, still need a book for revise things,  but have few passions on different technologies, just to know each and every basic stuffs etc. And these are my reference materials, when i have time i will spend time on reading it, when i need something i will look in to it.

Apart from that, these books are like a treasure to me. When i move out of hyderabad, How would i transfer all these books is a big question infront of me?. You know that books will be heavy, so 10-30 of this book will fetch around 20-30 Kgs or more, and difficult to carry around. But am not loosing it, in some transport i will make all these reach my home or new place. Ha ha ha.

Some of us might criticise me like “Hey what’s that fellow, how much money he is spending on books.”. To them i have to tell, if you compare to the knowledge these books are giving us, it is worth spending. If we can spend money on leisure , foods, new dresses etc. Why do not spend money on something useful for our career. That’s the way it should be. I hope guys will respect my intentions. Thanks.. 

Thanks Guyz for reading. Happy Learning & Coding!!!

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By Nithin Mohan TK

Technology Enthusiast | .NET Specialist | Blogger | Gadget & Hardware Geek

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