I have been through different articles to find a comparison table about WCF Bindings. I just came across this comparison table by Aaron Skonnard.  I hope this would be a good reference comparison table.

Quoting to Aaron Skonnard’s  Blog in Plural Sight(original source), In my ongoing quest to produce the simplest table possible summarizing the key differences between the various Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) built-in bindings, I came up with the following:  

Binding Class Name Transport Message Encoding Message Version Security Mode RM Tx Flow*
BasicHttpBinding HTTP Text SOAP 1.1 None X X
WSHttpBinding HTTP Text SOAP 1.2 WS-A 1.0 Message Disabled WS-AT
WSDualHttpBinding HTTP Text SOAP 1.2 WS-A 1.0 Message Enabled WS-AT
WSFederationHttpBinding HTTP Text SOAP 1.2 WS-A 1.0 Message Disabled WS-AT
NetTcpBinding TCP Binary SOAP 1.2 Transport Disabled OleTx
NetPeerTcpBinding P2P Binary SOAP 1.2 Transport X X
NetNamedPipesBinding Named Pipes Binary SOAP 1.2 Transport X OleTx
NetMsmqBinding MSMQ Binary SOAP 1.2 Message X X
MsmqIntegrationBinding MSMQ X** X Transport X X
CustomBinding You decide You decide You decide You decide You decide You decide

   Notes: X = Not Supported, WS-A = WS-Addressing, WS-AT = WS-AtomicTransaction, OleTx = OleTransactions
* Transaction flow is always disabled by default, but when you enable it, these are the default tx protocols
* This binding doesn’t use a WCF message encoding – instead it lets you choose a pre-WCF serialization format

Thanks to Original Source – Plural Insight

Taken from DotnetFunda.com

Note :- The below table is taken from book Pro WCF: Practical Microsoft SOA Implementation — Chris peiris and Denis mulder – Apress 2007

Below is a table which shows for which binding which mode is supported. We did not discuss the mixed mode. It’s nothing but combination of transport and mixed mode. For instance data encrypted and passed over WsHttp using HTTPS is a mixed mode of security. Encryption is nothing but message security and HTTPS is a transport mode. In a combination they form mixed mode.

Binding Transport Mode? Message Mode? Mixed Mode?
BasicHttpBinding Yes Yes Yes
WsHttpBinding Yes Yes Yes
WsDualHttpBinding No Yes No
NetTcpBinding Yes Yes Yes
NetNamedPipeBinding Yes No No
NetMsmqBinding Yes Yes No
MsmqIntegrationBinding Yes No No

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By Nithin Mohan TK

Technology Enthusiast | .NET Specialist | Blogger | Gadget & Hardware Geek

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