
Version: 3.2

FramworkGen is a .Net ORM that generates the data access persistance code for windows and web applications. FrameworkGen generates C# 2.0 code in an 3 Tier architecture.

By simply selecting a SQL Server database, FrameworkGen will build Stored Procedures in SQL Server and a Bussiness and Data Layer in C#. This greatly reduces the time developers spend on writing data access code while imporoving the quality of the overall architecture.

Developers will have more time to focus on business/functional development taks.

The data access code FrameworkGen Generates is database neutral although FrameworkGen itself currently works with SQL Server only. The data retrieval code uses SqlDataReaders for read only forward only data retrieval which provides the most optimal performance.

Why choose FrameworkGen

There are many code generator tools on the market. In my experience some of them have been very unituitive to use and the code that has been generated is not always that easy at first to understand and modify. The code that FrameworkGen generates is very simple, powerful and easy to change and work with. Key advantages of using FrameworkGen are:

•Designed for C# .NET 2.0 and above new features like nullable types, partial classes and Generics are used.
•Both the code generation tool and generated code and very intuitive and easy to use.
•Data access performance is excleent through the use of SqlDataReaders. See here for some performance benchmark testing.
•FrameworkGen runs right out of the box and doesn’t require you to learn a templating language. It takes less than 2 minutes to setup and build your code generated project.
•Various partial classes are generated to allow you to extend generated functionality. These classes will not be overwritten so your extensions will not be lost.
•Framework will generate an n-unit test project that can be used to verify that CRUD(Create, Read, Update, Delete)  and various functions are working correctly.

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By Nithin Mohan TK

Technology Enthusiast | .NET Specialist | Blogger | Gadget & Hardware Geek

5 thoughts on “FrameworkGen”
  1. I am the developer of FrameworkGen and would really appreciate it if people would give it a try and give me some feedback. There are may generators out there and they all have there strong points and weaknesses. FrameworkGen is not the best generator in the world but it gives me the code that I want!

  2. Dear Croweman;
    I should appreciate you for making such wonderful tool and making it free. I found it’s pretty easy to generate Dataaccess and business layer and entities code instantly. and i have seen that it’s pretty simple and straight forward to read and understand the code generated by FramworkGen. Unlike other ORM code generator tools like Tier-Developer, this tool is the best. Simple, but elegant and stable performance code generator.
    The DataAcces code generated by FrameworkGen is pretty good and simple. Really the best i have ever seen.
    thanks Croweman..

  3. Thanks Nithin I am glad you found it useful and it is good to have some positive feedback on it.

    I have used it on several enterprise level projects and have been very happy with the code it generates, but then I would be as I wrote it 😉

  4. Hi Nithin

    I have just uploaded v4.0 of FrameworkGen to my site.

    The release comprises of the following enhancements:

    – Added the option of enabling caching support. If the preference AddEntityCachingSupport is turned on then business objects
    will have the ability to cache result sets. Caching providers can be configured in the web.config. These settings can be overriden
    on each business object instance.
    – Entity and Entities objects now inherit ICloneable.
    – Enhanced deep load and save ability, a depth can still be specified but an array of entities types to exclude can also be specified.
    – .Net Framework version 4.0 and VS 2010 can now be selected in preferences dialog to allow VS 2010 project and solution files to be generated.
    – Added a new configuration file and functionality to allow Inversion of control for data components.
    – Updated names of existing app settings and added new ones.
    – Solution and project files are no longer overwrote with each regeneration.
    – User can now select whether they want a single sql script file, one per table or one per procedure generating.
    – Computed columns are no longer overwrote in insert and update stored procedures.

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