Another Google service which lives up to it’s name of simplicity, infact the page is so simple, you cant use it at all! The new service is — for now at least — restricted only to those who use it with the Google toolbar and for those who use FeedBurner.

Google claims that its service is faster, more stable, and more secure. Google will be able to look ahead during searched to verify that the target link isn’t that of a malware site before redirecting.

It seems every service is launching its own service for shortening URLs these days, even Facebook has started using a new service especially for its mobile site. You can easily reach any facebook page or profile by appending it in front of, for example, our Facebook page is at, will be accessible as as well.

In response to this proliferation of URL shorteners, the current leading service and favourite with Twitter, has announced a Pro feature which will allow people to use custom domain names with the service, allowing for possibilities such as for the New York Times website, powered by and with full statistics and analytics.

It seems the simple task of replacing a longer URL with a shorter one has now become a point of competition!

Information Courtesy : ThinkDigit Tech Newz

By Nithin Mohan TK

Technology Enthusiast | .NET Specialist | Blogger | Gadget & Hardware Geek

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