SQL has a DateName function, however it takes a datetime as a parameter, not a number

Usage is as follows

DATENAME(month,date) returns Month Name

Sample Query

Output: January


Suppose i want to print previous month date, how can i do. There is a quick way.

print(DATENAME(month,DATEADD (month , -1, getdate() )))

The dateadd DATEADD (month , -1, getdate() ) function deducts one month from current date, then i will use DateName() function to print the previous month date.

Current Month: January, so

Output: December


so that’s all for now.. it’s simple for you, just i thought of posting may be useful for somebody..

Enjoy coding..




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By Nithin Mohan TK

Technology Enthusiast | .NET Specialist | Blogger | Gadget & Hardware Geek

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